Crystal-clear insights for decisive financial moments.


  • Landing page of online Annual Report.

  • Content page of online Annual Report where mission statement is explained.

  • Cover of printed Annual Report.

    Secure environment to manage personal finances
  • Photo spread of Annual Report. Aesthetic x-ray images serve as a metaphor for the individual ambitions.

    Self-service tools to support the customer in solving all kinds of questions
  • Photo spread with case-study of important deal to illustrate mission statement.

    Secure environment to manage personal finances
  • Interior pages of Annual Report.

    Self-service tools to support the customer in solving all kinds of questions
  • Spread of Annual Report where vision, mission and strategy is outlined.

    Self-service tools to support the customer in solving all kinds of questions

NIBC is the bank of choice for decisive financial moments. They are a specialised provider of integral customised financial solutions. To reinforce this client-centred strategy, the bank honed their mission and ambition and presented five ambition statements: ‘The enterprising bank’, ‘Crystal-clear answers to complex financial challenges’, ‘Spot-on solutions for defining moments’, ‘The top team for the task – every single time’, ‘Agile and always available’.

These individual ambitions are illustrated on the cover and inside theme pages of the report. The transparency and clarity of NIBC’s procedure, are visualized by aesthetic and characteristic x-ray images that serve as a metaphor for the individual ambitions.

Besides the printed annual report a dynamic online version was created as well. The individual ambitions are highlighted on the landing page. Illustrated quick-links link to the most prominent chapters of the online report.

Design at: Dart | Brand guidance & Design